Political Chatter

Colorado Ruling: Supreme Court Slaps Down Mail-In Ballot Extension

Down-Home Commentary on the Colorado Ruling: A Dose of Common Sense

Key Points on the Colorado Ruling Saga: From Victory Lap to Faceplant

Hot Take: Throwing Shade on Rule-Benders

You’ve got to love it when the Supreme Court rains on the Democratic parade. There they are, basking in the afterglow of their ‘creative’ interpretations of election law, when a whopping dose of constitutional clarity comes crashing down. Honestly, did nobody see this coming? Lessons on the playground and in life hold – you can’t just move the goalposts because you don’t like where they are.

Now, poke your head up and see the higher picture. This isn’t just about Colorado. In a landscape dotted with these so-called ‘adjustments’ to election rules, this ruling rings out far and wide. It’s a warning bell to those who’d fancy tweaking the rule book to suit their taste. Brace yourself, folks, because it’s primetime for a rebuke. This ain’t a county fair pie contest, after all.

Justice Gorsuch’s straight-shooting response in this case deserves a hearty nod. It’s refreshing to see our Constitution weaponized as a mirror, forcing those overstepping bounds to take a good, hard look at themselves.

So here’s the bottom line: play by the rules, respect the process, and don’t let your victory lap turn into a comic faceplant. Might be a hard pill to swallow, but in the end, we’re all better off for it.

Interested in the whole hoopla? Get the full skinny here.

Original article:https://www.realclearpolitics.com/2023/12/20/the_colorado_ruling_is_a_rebuke_for_the_ages_614443.html

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