Political Chatter

Election Predictions You Won’t Hear From CNN or NYTimes

Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Michael Malice about his election predictions, the silver lining of the end of the progressive era, and why he moved from Patreon to Locals.com. Michael gives his unique 2020 election prediction in the Biden vs Trump contest.

Michael realizes that most people think the world is collapsing into chaos, he sees this as simply the reaction of elites to the century-long monopoly of progressive ideology coming to an end.

Michael also discusses how Ron Paul and Donald Trump have normalized an anti war stance in the Republican Party. Michael also explains why he doesn’t think the era of big tech is over and why social media giants like Twitter and Facebook will be around for some time. Despite this he has moved his trolling community from Patreon to Locals to avoid any potential content creator censorship.

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