Political Chatter

Green Bay, WI President TRUMP Holds “Make America Great” Rally 10/30/20

Green Bay, WI President TRUMP Holds “Make America Great” Rally 10/30/20

Democrats support Socialism. That’s every reason to vote Trump.

One YouTuber had this to say…

The closer we get the louder Joe Biden yells. It reminds me of one of those old black-and-white movies of Adolf Hitler. Especially when you consider the idea guys called Antifa really behave like the Nazi brown shirts. Breaking glass and burning books silencing dissension. Calling for disarmed people to be subjects and not citizens. You will get back on the plantation Jose Biden says we will have open borders and you are children will be replaced because there will be no American privilege allowed no American privilege because your family’s been here three hundred years and were slaves. Everyone is a Slave under the green New Deal

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