Political Chatter


Our entire government has shown themselves to be everything our founders warned us about.

oday, we delve into the troubling revelations surrounding the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), an organization facing serious allegations of misconduct, crimes, and mistreatment of its whistleblowers.

The FBI, which was created to uphold the law and protect the American people, has come under scrutiny. Accused of committing hundreds of thousands of crimes, the FBI is facing criticism not just for its actions, but also for its reaction to those who try to hold it accountable – its whistleblowers. Instead of listening to these brave insiders, the FBI appears to be doing its best to shut them down, treating them with disdain and outright ignoring them.

So, is the FBI still fulfilling its original mandate of protecting Americans, or has it become an entity primarily focused on protecting the interests of the powerful?

Interestingly, the FBI has evolved significantly since its inception. After 9/11, the Bureau’s National Security Branch grew exponentially, transforming the FBI from a federal law enforcement agency into a domestic intelligence agency with law enforcement capabilities. This shift has raised questions about the relevancy of our institutions. Have they evolved to a point where they’re doing the exact opposite of their intended purpose?

Our governments, media, and security agencies, originally created to serve the public, now seem to be more interested in self-preservation and the interests of elite power structures. The testimonies of whistleblowers suggest that the FBI, instead of upholding the law and American democracy, is increasingly supporting the interests of powerful groups. This change in behavior has raised concerns and left many Americans feeling insecure.

Notably, the nature of the FBI’s work has changed. Law enforcement investigations have a start and an end – they are linear. However, intelligence operations are circular and ongoing, continuously gathering more information. This shift started with 9/11 and was further facilitated by advances in technology. The advent of AI and its inevitable misuse by powerful entities could exacerbate this issue.

The whistleblowers shedding light on these issues often find themselves facing severe backlash. For instance, Garrett O’Boyle, an FBI agent, disclosed that the Bureau pressured him to open domestic violent extremism investigations without sufficient basis. Following his disclosures, the FBI suspended him indefinitely without pay and initiated a campaign of humiliation and intimidation against him.

Similarly, another FBI whistleblower, Marcus Allen, faced the wrath of his superiors for sharing accurate news articles. Such actions suggest an unhealthy culture within the organization, focused more on suppressing the truth than upholding the law.

Amid this crisis, there is a pressing need for collective action. We must remain capable of discerning truth from fiction. We must remember the vows we made to ourselves, our ideals, and each other. Change, while difficult, is possible, but only when we stand united in our quest for truth and justice.

However, to confront corruption of this magnitude, support is crucial. While state backing may be unrealistic, your involvement and commitment can make all the difference. Despite the potential for smear campaigns and attacks, the truth remains our strongest ally. As we continue our voyage towards truth and freedom, we must remember – in unity, there is strength.

As we peer into an uncertain future plagued by wars, pandemics, and lies, it’s imperative for us, especially those in the United States, to remain vigilant and committed to the cause. Our quest for truth, freedom, and justice continues, fueled by your unwavering support.

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