Political Chatter

Lifelong Democrat & City Council Official In Flint, Michigan Announces He’s Backing Trump (VIDEO)

Flint City Council member Maurice Davis spoke before Vice President Mike Pence at Flint Bishop Airport saying he supports President Donald Trump.

“God uses whoever he wants to to bring His people out of whatever the problem has to be,” he said.

“President Trump is full of hate? Let me tell you something, the Democrats is full of hate.”

He added:

“I’m tired — I’ve been a Democrat, I’ve am a Democrat all my life, 64 years. Last four years, I voted for Hillary Clinton. This year, I decided to go with President Trump.

“I’m not a bootlicker. I’m not an Uncle Tom. I’m none of those things. I’m somebody that’s in a poor, impoverished community. …

“People are losing everything, and when Mr. Trump said, ‘What the hell you got to lose?’, he was talking to me.”

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