Political Chatter

President Kennedy’s Final Address to the United Nations General Assembly

The last truly independent president of the USA. The only one who spoke openly about real hidden forces that steer the policies, economies, and finances of the country and the world.

He even put himself on a suicide mission to resist them and printed dollar bills outside of FED. Soon later these scums killed Him.

Here are the thoughts from one of the comments on YouTube.

Since JFK was murdered, the militarism he was starting to oppose has GROWN and GROWN. The US now has military forces in 70% of the world’s countries. There is almost no transparency and control. In a “democracy”.

President Kennedy died for this country, the USA, trying to bring it and the world to peace. Our Establishment killed him and blamed it on Oswald. We have still not faced this truth in our history.

I am very concerned about the murder of President Kennedy, which I have studied off and on for over 52 years.

He could not have been murdered by a single shooter; shots came in more than one direction, as MANY eyewitnesses testified. Parkland Hospital doctors in Dallas, who tried to save the President, unanimously testified to an entry wound in the throat and a baseball sized exit wound in the back of the head. Parkland Hospital doctors wanted to perform an autopsy, but the Secret Service forcefully took President Kennedy’s body at gunpoint to Bethesda Naval Hospital, where (after secret operations) military doctors (Naval) released autopsies that said all the gunshot wounds came from the back.

President Kennedy was murdered by the Establishment – including probably the Pentagon, the CIA, the FBI, Oil Interests, LBJ, George Herbert Walker Bush, and others. The murder by multiple shooters was blamed on Oswald. A BAD scene, our politicians won’t even let us know who took away our democracy by killing our president. And our politicians and media won’t even honestly discuss this.

America should know and face its history. My website related to this: http://investigate-jfk-murder.org/ My MoveOn petition to honestly investigate the President Kennedy murder and its cover-up: http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/honestly-investigate . Please sign my petition!

Bernard E. Scoville
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