Political Chatter

Tucker Carlson Gives Incredible Breakdown of #DirectedEvolution Investigation

In recent news, Project Veritas, a pro-transparency news organization, released an undercover video of a Pfizer executive bragging on camera about how his company conducts a kind of Frankenstein science, manipulating COVID-19 viruses for profit, potentially imperiling the entire world, and possibly doing it in secret, in violation of federal law.

One would think that every reporter in this country would be itching to follow up on this story and call Pfizer to tell the public about it. However, in the 24 hours since Project Veritas posted this footage, it has been viewed more than 12 million times on Twitter, yet no other media outlet has covered the story.

MSNBC and CNN, which take huge amounts of advertising dollars from Pfizer, have devoted a total of zero seconds to the story. Google, the biggest search engine in the world, which has a monopoly on search in this country, appears to have gone out of its way to make it much more difficult for users to learn anything about the Pfizer executive pictured in the footage.

This is a near total media blackout of this story, showing just how powerful Big Pharma is. The footage shows a Pfizer executive named Jordan Tristan Walker, who is the director of research and development for strategic operations and mRNA scientific planning at Pfizer. He is just two reports removed from the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Borla.

In the clip, Walker states that Pfizer is thinking about mutating COVID-19 and developing new vaccines, but they’re not going to say it to the public. In another undercover video also shot by Project Veritas, Walker suggests that research to mutate viruses is ongoing.

This sounds like gain-of-function research, similar to the research that was occurring at the Wuhan lab just before COVID-19 broke out of the lab and overturned the world and wrecked the US economy. The Pfizer executive is careful to say it’s not happening right now, but it is something that Pfizer is secretly considering without telling the public.

It is unclear why the FBI has not taken action in this matter, but it is clear that the public deserves to know the truth about the actions of these powerful pharmaceutical companies. The media should be doing their due diligence in uncovering and reporting on this story, instead of sweeping it under the rug.

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