Political Chatter

Wisconsin Considers Election Do-Si-Do: A Closer Look at Ranked-Choice Voting

Wisconsin Mulling Over Election Overhaul

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Well folks, the great Cheese State is considering a major shake-up, contemplating changing the rulebook on how they vote. What you have here is Wisconsin deciding that maybe ranking their favorite cheese isn’t enough and now they need to rank their favorite politicians too! The sight of politicians clamoring for second-place votes could be more entertaining than a Packers game, I tell ya.

Though the system’s aimed at curbing party polarization and giving voters more options, it might just add another layer of confusion to the democratic process. Sure, maybe it’ll spice up a bland candidate slate, but is the juice really worth the squeeze if it confuses dear old granny at the polls?

The recall change is another move to make the governor feel safer in his seat, but it’s got its own strings attached. Don’t they realize raising the recall bar from 25% to 40% is an admission that almost half the state has to be unhappy before we can question the governor’s job performance! From this old conservative’s perspective, the recall should be easier, not harder.

In all honesty, maybe all parties, from left to right, could do with a bit more pressure – it could help them remember who they’re supposed to be serving. Heaven knows politicians could use more reminders from us regular Joes instead of their high-flying funders.

Original Article

Original article:https://www.foxnews.com/politics/wisconsin-considers-major-election-overhaul-ranked-choice-voting-proposal

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