Political Chatter

Woke Student Tries to Frame and Cancel Jordan Peterson, gets DESTROYED Instantly!

We really need to fix the education system. These kids have been brainwashed.

In a recent TV show, The Right Stuff, a panelist discussed the topic of political correctness and how it relates to the concept of what it means to be a woman. The panelist, who is a member of the women’s equality party, cited psychological literature that suggests men and women are mostly the same in terms of temperament. However, the panelist argued that while there is a significant amount of overlap between the temperaments of men and women, there are also significant differences.

The panelist argued that while women are less aggressive than men, they are also less likely to be lethal in their actions. This difference in aggression is one example of how men and women differ in temperament, but it is not the only example. Additionally, the panelist pointed out that while men and women may be more similar than different at the midpoint of the distribution, the differences become more pronounced at the extremes.

For example, the panelist noted that nine out of ten people in prison are male, which is due to the fact that men are more likely to be the most aggressive people in a given population. Similarly, the panelist argued that there is evidence that people who are more interested in things than in people are more likely to become engineers, which is another example of how the differences between men and women become more pronounced at the extremes.

Overall, the panelist argued that while men and women may be more similar than different in terms of temperament, it is important to recognize that these differences do exist and that they can have significant real-world consequences. The panelist also argued that the post-modernists are not acknowledging these differences and that it is important to do so in order to better understand the world and the people in it.

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